Smoked Salmon Frittata

Essence columnist Barb Palmer has been part of the friendly team at Rangiora New World for 20 years, the last eight as their Brand Ambassador sharing recipes and ideas with customers.
With the change of seasons our food and eating habits change, we look forward to salads and lighter menu options. November approaches with the hint of summer, BBQs and entertaining outdoors.
This recipe is certainly one for the warmer weather. From our New World Collection this Salmon Frittatat is easy to make and you can use leftovers so nothing in your fridge goes to waste. It contains a mixture of fresh and frozen veggies and if you don’t have everything that’s in the recipe make the most of what you do have, leftover roast veggies, cottage cheese, tuna. Or, if you want to treat yourself, use some fresh smoked salmon instead of tinned and add ½ cup of cream.
A couple of pointers, after the frittata is cooked I put it under the grill for a few minutes to brown the top and if you’re serving it hot use a sharp knife to cut for nice smooth wedges. I also cooked it in a deep flan dish with a removable bottom lined with baking paper. This is also great cold the next day or if you’re planning a picnic, slice it and put it back in the dish so it’s easy for transporting. Make the most of November relaxing with family and friends before we head into the Silly Season, happy cooking.
Smoked Salmon Frittata
Serves 4 - 6
Prep time: 10 mins
Cooking time: 20 - 30 mins
1 tablespoon oil
1 large onion, finely diced
2 garlic cloves, grated or finely chopped or 1 teaspoon crushed garlic
½ leek, white and green parts thinly sliced and washed thoroughly
¼ head cauliflower, florets, stalks and any nice leaves chopped into small chunks
300g (2 cups) frozen mixed veges
200g mushrooms, sliced
415g can pink salmon
8 eggs, beaten
Salt and pepper, to taste
50g cheese, grated
1. Heat oven to 180oC bake or 160oC fan bake. Heat oil in a large oven proof frying pan on the stove over medium high heat. Sauté onions until slightly softened, add garlic and stir fry for a minute or until fragrant.
2. Add leek and cauliflower, turn heat to high and cook until the leek is softened, and the cauliflower starts to become tender. Add frozen mixed veges and mushrooms and cook until heated through.
3. Add the pink salmon to the pan and gently stir through.
4. Season beaten egg with salt and pepper if desired, then pour over the veges and salmon. Scatter with cheese over the top and transfer the pan into the oven.
5. Bake for 20 minutes or until set. Remove from oven and leave to cool slightly for two minutes before slicing and serving.
Cooking tips:
· If you don’t have an oven proof frying pan, cook this frittata in a large baking dish. Grease the baking dish and follow the method above for cooking the vegetables and salmon, transfer into the baking dish then pour the beaten egg over the top. Bake until set.
· If you have left over veges from another meal, you can add them into this recipe in place of the veges listed.