Me and My Phone - Niki Mealings

Graeme Abbot

We all love our smartphones and nearly 95% of adults in New Zealand own one. But they’re very personal. We load them up with our favourite apps and use them in different ways. In this new series we ask North Canterbury people to share with us how they use their phones .

Niki Mealings is a Waimakariri councillor, a mum of three, a keen gardener and active member of her local community. She runs her life from an i-Phone.

Are you a caller, a texter or an emailer?

I am a caller or an emailer for work related things, I don’t think texting is for business.  I do keep in touch with friends with text or messenger but even then I often text before calling because now everybody has their phone with them all the time but it’s not always a good time for them to talk.

What social media channels do you use most and how do you use them?

I use Facebook everyday.  I post, I share and I always wish people a happy birthday. I reply to everyone and I want to see what they’re up to. They’re my Facebook friends for a reason and I am interested in what they’re doing.

I use Neighbourly probably weekly. It helps me keep an ear to the ground and find out what’s going on in the community and it’s a fast, easy way to connect with people.

I am on LinkedIn and Instagram too but rarely check in. There are just not enough hours in the day.

What other ways do you use your phone?

I read the news. I check the weather. I am always using the camera. And I love Google Maps I use it all the time for directions and traffic. And for council business as you can see the precise place people might be talking about in a meeting for example.

But my favourite app is Trivia Crack – it’s like a triva quiz app and I’m a bit of a trivia geek.

How long do you spend on your phone each day?

Probably too much at times but I don’t really worry about it.  It’s a digital world now, this is how we do things so it’s not something to be afraid of. Its usefulness outweighs its detriment.  Although my husband does sometimes say ‘put your phone down’. 

I’ve got teenage kids so my phone is by the bed because I want them to always be able to get in touch if they need me. But I do reach for my phone as soon as I wake up and I check texts and emails.